The Kenblog: “Ten Frightful Horror Films For Halloween”


Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!





It’s Halloween time again and you know what that means for movie lovers.  Time to sit in front of the television and re-acquaint yourself with some of the best scary movies you can think of.  Now I’m going to refrain from doing a standard top ten of all time list, instead choosing to pick ten movies you might not have heard of or might not think of as great scary movies, but take it from me when I say they’ll be worth the watch.  Some are classics, some are not, but all are good-to-great scary movies.  Enjoy! Continue reading

Dog’s Movie House: “Our Brand Is Crisis” Slight Movie Benefits From Terrific Turn By Bullock!



Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!



Sandra Bullock as Jane Bodine in "Our Brand Is Crisis"

Sandra Bullock as Jane Bodine in “Our Brand Is Crisis”





“Our Brand Is Crisis” seems to be striving for a biting political drama mixed with some comedic moments, but Sandra Bullock’s latest seems to have trouble deciding what kind of film it should be.  Is it a political drama, social satire, slapstick comedy, or inspirational film about the emotional growth of a political mover/shaker searching for redemption.  In truth, “Our Brand Is Crisis” wants to be all of these things and the resulting soup has a somewhat diluted quality to it.  That said, this film is not without its rewards, chief among them a powerhouse performance by Sandra Bullock. Continue reading

Dog’s Movie House: “Burnt” Slightly Undercooked Drama!



Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!


Bradley Cooper as Adam Jones in "Burnt"

Bradley Cooper as Adam Jones in “Burnt”




You know your enjoyment of a movie is problematic when you find yourself wishing you were watching a different movie involving similar subject matter.  As I watched Bradley Cooper’s latest, “Burnt,” I couldn’t help but think I’d much rather be watching “Chef” the delightful cooking comedy from last year.  Despite a good cast and lots of shots of delectable-looking entrees, “Burnt” suffers from an unsympathetic protagonist and a too-tidy resolution to problems that require more cinematic depth.  Continue reading

The Trailer Dog Park: It’s “Star Wars” Time Again!


Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!


Daisy Ridley In "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

Daisy Ridley In “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”



Well in case you’ve been living under a rock, we’ve got a new Star Wars film coming in less than two months and the anticipation is mounting to a fever pitch.  The last time I can remember so much hype for a movie was. . .well, the last start to a Star Wars Trilogy. . .”The Phantom Menace.”  (And everyone knows how that turned out).  So I’ve got the new trailer for you, but I’m adding the one from “The Phantom Menace” to illustrate a point.  “The Phantom Menace” trailer was brilliantly executed and got everyone all geeked out just like the one for “The Force Awakens,” yet the movie (and the whole prequel trilogy, for that matter) underwhelmed.  Now I’m not saying this is going to be the case for “The Force Awakens,” but I always like to temper my expectations for any movie that is so massively hyped as this one.  Trust me, no matter how good this movie is (and I believe it’s gonna be a blast) there is no way it’s going to live up to these insanely unrealistic expectations.  Until December 18th, enjoy the trailers and anticipation.  So sayeth The Kendog!  Continue reading

Dog’s Movie House: “The Last Witch Hunter” Fitfully Entertaining Vehicle From Vin Diesel!



Howdy folks!  It’s The Kendog!


Vin Diesel As Kaulder In "The Last Witch Hunter"

Vin Diesel As Kaulder In “The Last Witch Hunter”



Full disclaimer:  I’m a big fan of Vin Diesel.  Ever since “Saving Private Ryan” and “The Iron Giant” I’ve always looked forward to his work.  I especially liked his turn in the first Riddick film, “Pitch Black.”   I’ve always thought of him as talented and if you follow him on social media you can tell he’s definitely enthusiastic.  Diesel is at his best when he has strong collaborators like Spielberg, David Twohy, and Justin Lin, but when he’s the primary force behind his projects, the quality tends to suffer a bit.  Case in point:  “The Last Witch Hunter,” a potentially fascinating story about witchcraft saddled with so-so execution and clichéd narrative threads. Continue reading