Comic Book Movies

Dog’s Movie House: “Dawn Of Justice” Entertainingly Overstuffed!



Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog!

Batman (Ben Affleck) And Superman (Henry Cavill) Face Off In "Dawn Of Justice"

Batman (Ben Affleck) And Superman (Henry Cavill) Face Off In “Dawn Of Justice”




While I respect my fellow reviewers, I have to say most of them missed the mark when it comes to their reviews of “Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice.”   The movie is neither tired, nor overlong, nor overly gloomy. It doesn’t have the bounce of, say, most of the Marvel movies and it’s certainly not perfect, but “Dawn Of Justice” sticks many more landings than it misses. Director Zack Snyder gets a lot of flak (bordering on outright hate) from the internet community, but aside from one outright flop (“Sucker Punch”) Snyder has done some fine work. His DC Universe may not be all sweetness and light, but it’s certainly an intriguing place worth visiting. Continue reading

Dog’s Movie House: “Deadpool” Filthy, Funny, And Fantastic!



Howdy folks!  It’s The Kendog!


Ryan Reynolds Rocks As Deadpool

Ryan Reynolds Rocks As Deadpool





Science fiction geeks like myself can easily forget the wonderful time in which we live.  For the first time we can see comic book heroes realized as never before on the big screen.  Modern special effects and the movie studios’ visions of dollar signs in their heads have led to a renaissance of very good to great comic movies.  That said, we can’t stop complaining about the little things that bother us about comic movies nowadays.  The biggest complaint I hear is that there is a certain “sameness” (whatever the hell that means) about comic book films, specifically with the ever expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Apparently we aren’t satisfied with the state of things in the world of Comic Book Movieland and something is desperately needed to shake things up.  Well thank goodness for Ryan Reynolds and “Deadpool,” a blissfully violent and funny R-rated romp that serves as not only one of the most entertaining comic book films in some time, but also one of the most entertaining movies in some time, period! Continue reading

Dog’s Movie House: “Fantastic Four” A Fantastic Mess!

Howdy folks!  It’s The Kendog!


I have to tell you, when I was reading up on all the vitriol, hate, and behind the scenes shenanigans surrounding Josh Trank’s new Fantastic Four reboot I thought the art of hyperbole was being taken to entirely new levels.  Surely this film couldn’t be as bad as the early reviews were saying, could it?  I mean, Mr. Trank had already knocked it out of the park with the excellent “Chronicle” so surely he would be able to bring Marvel’s First Family to the screen in an original and entertaining fashion, right?


Uh, not so much.


“The Fantastic Four,” while not the worst bit of film ever committed to celluloid, is an absolute mess, with tonal shifts, slight characters, and a finale that comes out of nowhere and absolutely underwhelms the audience to the Nth degree. Continue reading