Dog’s Movie House: “Mission Impossible-Dead Reckoning Part 1’s” Only Flaw Is That It’s Only Half The Story!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with a look at the latest in the ever-popular Mission Impossible franchise. This one’s called “Dead Reckoning Part 1” and their is no lie in the title. This film is the first in a planned two-part story that culiminates next summer with “Part 2.” You have to hand it to star/producer Tom Cruise and writer/director Christopher McQuarrie: they take a franchise that’s twenty-seven years old and continue to make it fresh and exciting, with each film generating more excitement then the last. The only thing that keeps “Mission Impossible-Dead Reckoning Part 1” from being on par with 2018’s “Fallout” is that it’s only half the story and that’s more of a personal bit of frustration for me rather then an actual critique.
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