The Dogcast: The Pat Walsh Show – August 6th, 2021!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog with another trip down the 3rd hour rabbit hole of the Pat Walsh Show. This week Pat’s back and we get to talk about everything from my continuing weight loss (exciting for me, you probably feel somewhat ambivalent about it, heh), to our experiences with drive in movie theaters and of course the good old days of cinema. I also get to promote my website and let all of you know about the old radio programs I regularly feature on the site. Oh yeah, we also talk about the new Suicide Squad film, which is miles better than the original film that came out in 2016! Enjoy the podcast of the Pat Walsh Show and feel free to comment below or on my Facebook Page! And once again thanks to Pat Walsh, Mark “The Voiceguy” McKee, and the lovely and talented Kendall Tobe for letting me be a part of a great listening experience. So Sayeth The Kendog!
Dog’s Movie House: “The Suicide Squad” Trippy, Amoral, Violent, And Wonderfully Hilarious!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with an observation of what a difference a few years makes. Way back in 2016 David Ayer wrote and directed the first “Suicide Squad.” While being a massive hit it was considered by many to be a disjointed, somewhat neutered mess, especially coming from the guy who wrote “Training Day” and directed films such as “End Of Watch” and “Fury.” Now we find out that . . . surprise, surprise, Ayer was interferred with at the studio by suits who wanted to make the film more like the bubbly Marvel films that have been so successful. As a result, the cut of “Suicide Squad” turned out to have too many chefs in the kitchen and Ayer’s version of what the film should be is hardly recognizable as such. Cut to five years later and the idea of DC’s version of a connected universe is decidely in flux at the moment. Now we have James Gunn (“The Guardians of the Galaxy”) commissioned to do a soft reboot on our favorite gang of supervillains trying to do good. Only this time the studio kept their paws off of this film and Gunn has free reign. The result is probably the most entertaining, off-the-wall comic book films in years. It’s like “Deadpool” and “The Avengers” had a child and the result is, put simply, awesome!
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