Dog’s Movie House: “The Green Inferno” Mistakes Gross For Engrossing!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog!
In the interest of full disclosure, I have to say I’m not a fan of Eli Roth’s brand of horror. “Cabin Fever” had its moments, but the “Hostel” movies were soulless enterprises devoid of sympathetic characters, reveling in gore and over-the-top violence as opposed to a subtler racheting-up of the tension found in superior horror films. In short, Roth’s films aren’t scary to me. Roth’s latest, “The Green Inferno” is unfortunately more of the same. He takes a fairly intriguing idea and buries it under bland (and stupid) characters and over-the-top gore that failed to engage me on anything more than a visceral level. Continue reading