New Mutants

The Trailer Dog Park: New “Last Jedi,” “New Mutants,” & More!


Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!

Daisy Ridley As Rey In “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”




The winter biggies are beginning their full court press in the form of final trailers.  “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” released it’s second trailer and boy, is it a stunner.  Consider my interest ramped to new all time high for this one.  Meanwhile, the new “Justice League” trailer is intriguing for the lighter comedy aspects (especially Ezra Miller’s Flash) but still shows more of the same from the other trailers.  Looking forward to Jason Momoa’s Aquaman, though.   And finally we have our first look at Josh Boone’s “New Mutants” which is presenting the intriguing idea of the X-Men (variations of them at least) in a haunted laboratory setting.  It’s certainly different than any other mutant movie that’s come before.  Enjoy all of them and feel free to comment below!  So Sayeth The Kendog! 

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