Monster Movies

Dog’s Movie House: “A Quiet Place: Day One” A Tension Filled Prequ!el That Lives Up To The Rest Of The Series!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here! Back in 2018, John Krasinski left “Jim” from “The Office” behind forever when he unleashed the Death Angels upon an unsuspecting audience! Creepy and original monsters combined with a touching tale of the family trying to survive them, “A Quiet Place” became an instant hit and launched an unlikely franchise! “A Quiet Place: Part II” expanded the universe but still continued the personal story of the Abbott family and managed to become a hit despite opening in theaters just as the pandemic was ending. Now we have “A Quiet Place: Day One” a prequel that tells the tale of the Death Angels arrival from space through the lense of one of the loudest cities in the world: New York! It’s a worthy entry in the franchise that again prioritizes character over spectacle and features a terrific performance by Lupita Nyong’o!

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Dog’s Movie House: “Godzilla Vs. Kong” Is All About The Monsters, And That’s A Good Thing!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with a look a the heavily anticipated “Godzilla vs. Kong” the fourth installment in the “Monsterverse” series of movies that began in 2014 with “Godzilla.” This is the culmination of seven years of setup and heavy world-building that satisfies on nearly every level for anyone who’s been a fan of Godzilla or Kong in almost every single one of their cinematic iterations. (Except for that Matthew Broderick abomination in 1998. . .let’s just pretend that doesn’t exist, shall we?)

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“Love & Monsters,” “The Trial Of The Chicago 7” Lead To A Good Time At The Movies!

Howdy folks! It’s The Kendog with a couple of recent releases to keep you entertained over this cold, rainy weekend. I’ve been off the movie review path for a week or so, and for that you have my apologies, but I think these two recent movies will put some spring in your cinematic step, as it were. The first is a really well done monster film called “Love And Monsters” starring Dylan O’Brian as a young man searching for his love during a monster apocalypse. The other is “The Trial Of The Chicago 7” a dramatization of the trial of the seven individuals charged with inciting riots at the 1968 Democratic convention. For different reasons, both films are entertaining and thought-provoking in equal measure.

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Dog’s Movie House: “Kong” Is King!

Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!


“Kong” is back and bigger than ever in “Kong: Skull Island!”



I must confess to having an ongoing love affair with giant monster movies.  From “King Kong” to “Jurassic Park” to “Godzilla” and every film in-between, I just can’t get enough of gigantic creatures rampaging through cities or breaking out of their poorly constructed enclosures to terrorize an unsuspecting populace.   That said, some are better than others and I’m happy to inform you that “Kong: Skull Island” is definitely one of the better ones, with its own unique take on the big ape that keeps the adventure squarely in the geography is Kong’s home turf. Continue reading