
Dog’s Movie House: “Moana” An Instant Disney Classic!



Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!


Dwayne Johnson As Maui In Disney's "Moana"

Dwayne Johnson As Maui In Disney’s “Moana”




Disney is on a hell of a roll lately.  With “Star Wars,” “Zootopia,” “The Jungle Book,” “Finding Dory” and “Civil War” making incredible amounts of cash (and being darn good movies to boot), the House of Mouse could already close the books on a record-setting year.    But they aren’t done yet.  In a couple of weeks we get our first stand alone Star Wars movie, “Rogue One.”   Before that tent pole, however, Disney Animation has another gem on its hands in the form of “Moana” one of the most colorful and touching films of the year! Continue reading