Matt Dillon

The Dogcast: Some Classic “Gunsmoke” For Your Old Radio Enjoyment!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog with some more old radio listening fun. Because Pat Walsh and I were recently discussing western movies on his show, I thought I’d give you a taste of probably the best western radio program during the 1950s. “Gunsmoke” was a staple of old radio programming in the 1950s and was so popular it spawned one of the most popular television westerns, a program that ran twenty years. The tales of Dodge City and Marshall Matt Dillon were much more adult and weighty than most of the radio westerns of the day which were aimed more at the kiddie-folk. Great programs, performances (particularly by William Conrad as the deep-voiced Dillon) and some really solid scripts make this series a must listen. I’ve included two programs from the opening season here and will add more if you want them. Enjoy some classic “Gunsmoke” and as always, feel free to comment either below or on my Facebook Page! So Sayeth The Kendog!

Gunsmoke – Doc Holiday – 7/19/1952
Gunsmoke – Gentleman’s Disagreement – 7/26/1952