Last Night In Soho

Dog’s Movie House: “Last Night In Soho” and “Paranormal Activity: Next Of Kin” Hit The Movies Just In Time For Halloween!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with a look at a couple of thrillers just in time for Halloween! First we have the trippy, entertaining-as-hell latest from Edgar Wright, “Last Night In Soho.” Then we have the latest in the seemingly unending Paranormal Activity franchise. This one’s entitiled “Next Of Kin” and although I could list as litany of bad puns regarding how bad the film is (“Be sure to inform your next of kin before seeing “Next Of Kin”) I will not stoop to such levels. Of the two obviously “Last Night In Soho” wins the battle, not just because it’s a better made film but because it feels fresh and orginal, while the Paranormal Activity franchise is definitely suffering from a bit of fatigue.

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