The Trailer Dog Park: Bourne, A Little Star Wars, And Something Strange!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog!
I seem to have to continually apologize for the lateness of some of my articles. I realize I’m a bit behind in my published reviews and all I can say at this point is. . .bear with me for a little while longer. I’m working on some new methods of getting my reviews to you and, should it work, it’ll be a hell of a lot easier to keep up with all of the new releases coming out. In the meantime, I have some new trailers in the Dog Park. We have the first from the new Jason Bourne film, the cool trailer for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” and the first trailer for Marvel’s “Dr. Strange.” Each of these films are highly anticipated and the trailers look really good. Enjoy and feel free to comment below!
So Sayeth The Kendog! Continue reading