I Was A Communist For The FBI

The Dogcast: “I Was A Communist For The FBI” delightfully corny old radio fun!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more old radio fun! In honor of the new government-themed David O. Russell film “Amsterdam” I’ve got and old radio program from the early 1950s that’ll probably tickle your fancy. “I Was A Communist For The FBI” starred Dana Andrews as Matt Cvetic, an FBI agent who spent nine years as a Communist spy. It’s goofy propoganda at it’s finest although the rah-rah nature of the old radio show can be a little bitter when you consider that soon Joe McCarthy and his goons in Washington would soon be blacklisting all variety of entertainers for allegedly Communist ties. That said, “I Was A Communist For The FBI” is a fun show that has plenty of entertainment value to this day and, in the overall scheme of things, is a harmless diversion worth listening to. Enjoy the shows and feel free to comment either below or on my Facebook Page! So Sayeth The Kendog!

“I Was A Communist For The FBI”- Burnt Offerings – 8/27/1952
“I Was A Communist For The FBI”- An Inhuman Element- 9/2/1953

The Dogcast: Some Old Radio Intrigue For Your Listening Pleasure!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more old radio programs for your listening pleasure. In honor of the assassin thriller “The Protege” I have a couple more episodes of “I Was A Communist For The FBI,” a cold war program featuring Dana Andrews as Matt Cvetic, a sleeper agent for the FBI during the Cold War. Based on “real case files” this program is goofy fun in all the right ways and Andrews is terrific in the lead role. Enjoy and feel free to comment below or on my Facebook page. So Sayeth The Kendog!

The UnAmerican Activity – I Was A Communist For The FBI – 5/6/1953
Rhapsody In Red – I Was A Communist For The FBI – 8/19/1953

The Dogcast: Some Old Radio Intrigue In Honor Of Bond And Sean Connery!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more old radio fun. This time we’re going with some spy stuff in honor of the passing of Sir Sean Connery last week. The original Bond is the best to many and got me thinking of classic spy radio dramas and the one that comes to mind is “I Was A Communist For The FBI” starring Dana Andrews. While based on true stories, there was no doubt that this program was “enhanced” for our listening pleasure! Enjoy these two programs and feel free to comment below or on my Facebook page! So Sayeth The Kendog!

I Was A Communist For The FBI – Treason Comes In Cans
I Was A Communist For The FBI – The Sleeper