Hercule Poirot

The Dogcast: A Little Hercule Poirot For Your Old Radio Enjoyment In Honor Of “Death On The Nile!”

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more old radio fun. Kenneth Branagh’s “Death On The Nile” has just opened featuring Branagh’s second go as Agatha Christie’s famous detective Hercule Poirot. In honor of this film, I thought it was a fun idea to see Hercule Poirot in old radio form. There was a short series in the forties featuring Harold Huber as Hercule Poirot in which he solved various cases. Unfortunately, “Death On The Nile” is not included but I’ve a couple of radio shows featuring Hercule Poirot at his confident best. Enjoy these classic offerings and as always, feel free to comment below or on my Facebook Page! So Sayeth The Kendog!

Hercule Poirot- The Adventure Of The Money Mad Ghouls- 9/13/1945
Hercule Poirot-The Trail Led To Death – 11/16/1945