Hayley Mills

Dog’s Movie House: “Trap” A Straightfoward Yet Tense Thriller From M. Night Shyamalan!”

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here! I have a great deal of admiration for M. Night Shyamalan, the talented writer/director of this week’s new release “Trap.” He’s been in the unenviable position for the last twenty-five years of trying to top his masterpiece of a debut “The Sixth Sense.” The man has gone through his share of ups and downs over the years, yet for every “Avatar: The Last Airbender” there’s been a comeback with a film like “Split.” Known for his twisty endings, Shyamalan plays it mostly straight with this latest film featuring Josh Hartnett as a serial killer attempting to evade a massive manhunt at stadium in which he (along with his unknowing daughter) are attending a rock concert. The result is a tight, well-acted and written cat and mouse story that is very focused and entertaining!

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