The Dogcast: Burns & Allen Plus Jack Benny Equals Comedy Gold!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some old radio comedy classic programming to enliven your weekend. This week we’ve got a couple of Burns & Allen programs from 1943 featuring legend Jack Benny as a guest star. These two programs involve Jack at a beauty parlor being caught by Gracie and the blackmail that follows. Enjoy the programs and feel free to comment either below or on my Facebook page. So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: The Pat Walsh Show – Friday, May 7th –
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with another Dogcast featuring my appearance on the Pat Walsh Show last Friday night. Sorry It’s so late, but sometimes real life intrudes and keeps me from getting to the computer. Still I hope you enjoy this particular hour in which not only do I discuss a couple of movies, but we also get into a funny impromptu discussion on the “nonconsensual kiss” at the end of the redesigned “Snow White” ride at the recently reopened Disneyland! Enjoy this segment of The Pat Walsh Show and feel free to comment either below or at my Facebook page. So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: Mel Blanc At His Best On His Own Show!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more old radio fun. In honor of the Tom & Jerry flick making its way to HBO Max today, I thought I’d throw in some classic Mel Blanc. Blanc, of course, didn’t voice Tom & Jerry, but he was the legendary voice of the Warner Brothers cartoons. Not only that, but he was a busy performer on various radio shows, including Jack Benny, Burns & Allen, The Judy Canova Show, and Abbott & Costello. He also had his own show for about a year that was really popular. He had to quit because he was just too busy with other projects. Here are a couple of shows for your listening pleasure. (Trust me, it’s more enjoyable than the new Tom & Jerry movie). Enjoy and feel free to comment here or on my Facebook page. So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: More Phil Harris For Your Comedy Old Radio Enjoyment!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more old radio fun. I seem to be on a Phil Harris/Alice Faye kick and it continues this week with the next two episodes from the first season of their Rexall run. In the first, little Phyllis has a boyfriend and in the second, Phil and Frankie buy a live steer to save on meat with predictably chaotic results. Enjoy and feel free to comment either here or on my Facebook page. So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: “Abbott & Costello Bring Dracula Along For The Ride!”
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with another couple of old time radio programs for your listening pleasure. As a fan of all sorts of entertainment, I have a special place in my heart for the “theater of the mind.” I know it’s hard to believe, but there was a time when television didn’t exist and radio was the entertainment medium of the masses. My grandfather grew up listening the the classic broadcasts and passed that love on to me. When I was about eleven years old he gave me a tape of the “Who’s On First” program from Abbott & Costello and I was absolutely hooked! This wasn’t just the classic routine but the entire program featuring three segments, two musical numbers, and ads from their sponsor Camel Cigarettes. Jack Benny has since supplanted the comic duo as my favorite radio comedian, but Abbott & Costello will always be my first, primarily because those two were able to strengthen the already wonderful bond I had with my grandfather. I’m also throwing in a classic Abbott & Costello program featuring a very funny performance from Dracula himself, Bela Legosi. The three legends are clearly having a ball here as Legosi successfully lampoons his greatest creation. Enjoy the programs and feel free to comment below or at my Facebook page! So Sayeth The Kendog!