Cinema Talk

The Dogcast: Kendog On The Pat Walsh Show – 7-9-2021

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with my latest appearance on The Pat Walsh Show last Friday. This was an unusual broadcast as the studio equipment had apparently become possessed before I showed up. Sound levels were dropping and microphones were falling off their stands. Apparently the radio gods were angry about something. Of course, things immediately change for the better after I show up (tongue planted firmly in cheek for that line) and we had a really good time. This week on the Pat Walsh Show we talk about the supposed death of the cinema business, plus a little Black Widow action and some other random stuff. All very funny and dare I say it, worth your time? Check it out below and feel free to comment either below or on my Facebook page. And once again thanks to the crew at the Pat Walsh Show for allowing me to be a part of the most fun experience in radio! So Sayeth The Kendog!