Blade Runner 2049

Dog’s Movie House: “Blade Runner 2049″ A Masterpiece, But Not For Everyone!”

Howdy Folks!  It’s The Kendog!

Ryan Gosling as “K” in “Blade Runner 2049”




Ridley Scott’s “Blade Runner” from 1982 has transformed from a misunderstood underperformer at the box office at the time of its release to a science fiction classic almost four decades later.  There are several different versions of the film to view, discuss and dissect with friends or foes, and the film’s look is still beautiful all these long years later.   But make no mistake, “Blade Runner” is not a slam-bang action flick:  it takes it’s time to tell the story and those who find themselves disinterested in said story will find the film to be slow and uninvolving.  The same can be said for Denis Villeneuve’s follow-up, “Blade Runner 2049.”   Continue reading