Radio Daze: Some “Supsense” And “The Whistler” For Your Spooky Old Radio Listening Pleasure!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with another edition of Radio Daze. In keeping with the Halloween theme, I’m featuring two episodes each of two of the greatest old time radio shows ever aired. The first two are from “Suspense” which aired from the early forties all the way to the early 1960s. Featuring some of the greatest talent in front and behind the mike, “Suspense” was a staple for over two decades and provides some great late night storytelling. The next two are from “The Whistler” which aired primarily on the West Coast before being rebroadcast to the rest of the country. Featuring narration from the legendary Bill Foreman, “The Whistler” often featured macabre morality tales that featured less-than-savory protangists! Enjoy these episodes with a cup of cocoa in front of the fireplace! So Sayeth The Kendog!

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