Dog’s Movie House: “The Invitation” Slick But Somewhat Toothless Take On Stoker!
Director Jessica M. Thompson and writer Blair Butler have crafted a film in the tradition of classic Hammer Horror, with gothic underpinnings and atmosphere to spare. The class divide between Evie, who is a black, financially strapped, American and the snooty British elite is well played with some rather clever and believable dialogue. Catty Viktoria (Stephanie Corneliussen) and head butler Mr. Fields (an always welcome Sean Pertwee) are especially clever at delivering cutting remarks. The budding romance between Evie and the charming Walter is convincing as well. During the first half of the film Thompson and company pepper the narrative with some effective (if somewhat bloodless) suspense sequences that ratchet up the tension.
It’s when the vampire lore takes over the movie that “The Invitation” loses steam. It’s not bold enough to go through with the promising setup and the PG-13 rating really hampers what could have been one hell of a ride. The finale is only mildly diverting rather than thrilling and the whole supernatural element feels watered down. Still, the callbacks and Easter eggs involving the Stoker myth are fun and even though the audience can see them coming a mile away, they’re still one of the most entertaining things about the film. This is a good gateway film to the world of vampire films, but serious horror buffs would do well to look elsewhere. 3 Out Of 5 On Kendog’s Barkometer! So Sayeth The Kendog!
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