Dog’s Movie House: “Speak No Evil” Powered By James McAvoy’s Gonzo Performance!
“Speak No Evil” has a setup you’ve seen a million times before and the “twist” is pretty much given away in the trailers. But director James Watkins manages to wring some suspense and some pretty nifty set pieces out of the well-worn story that keep you engaged throughout. It also helps that he has a great weapon in McAvoy, whose Paddy is going to go down in cinematic history as one of the creepier villains ever brought to the silver screen. Even when Paddy is being charming there’s something a bit off about him. McAvoy’s piercing gaze and unsettling smile will get under your skin even before he starts to fly off the rails.
His matched by his supporting cast with Franciosi doing creat work as Paddy’s equally (but differently) unhinged wife. Davis impresses as the stronger of the two Daltons while McNairy does well in the thankless role as milquetoast husband Ben. Lefler does great work as their daughter Agnes, whose special needs go by the wayside as she’s forced to grow up in a hurry. And young Dan Hough is a revelation as Ant, a nearly mute boy who has to communicate non-verbally with the Daltons in an attempt to clue them in to what’s really going on. Hough has a seen near the end that had the audience cheering and clapping with undisguised enthusiasm.
If I had a small problem with “Speak No Evil” it’s that the setup reminded me of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” in that some of the situations in which the Daltons find themselves are just so damn stupid. Several time I’m thinking “Don’t be an idiot” or “Don’t go in there!” That said, the back half of the film really picks up and gives the audience a lot to enjoy. It may not be the most original film in the world, but “Speak No Evil” delivers where it counts and McAvoy alone is worth the price of admission. His unsettling attitude plus a truly impressive physique make Paddy one imposing bad guy! 4 Out Of 5 On Kendog’s Barkometer! So Sayeth The Kendog!
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