Dog’s Movie House: “Men” Ambitious, Well Crafted Horror That May Not Be To Everyone’s Taste!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with a look at the latest from notable director Alex Garland. The man is responsible for a couple of the most ambitious science fiction movies in the last ten years. Garland gave us “Ex Machina” and “Annihilation.” Now he’s back and working in the realm of horror. His latest is called “Men” and it has all the hallmarks of what makes Garland such a creative and talented filmmaker. “Men” is atmospheric, expertly paced, and features excellent performances from his two leads, especially Rory Kinnear in multiple roles. It also has something of an ambiguous climax, another hallmark of Alex Garland’s work. It could be a metaphorical journey involving a woman’s grief or an incomprehensible horror fever dream, or maybe both. It’s up to you to decide, but if you keep an open mind “Men” is quite the rewarding experience!

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