Dog’s Movie House – “Don’t Worry Darling” A Intriguing, Entertaining Misfire!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with a look at Olivia Wilde’s second feature as a director. It’s called “Don’t Worry Darling” and features Florence Pugh and Harry Styles as Alice and Jack Chambers, a young couple living in the late 1950s in a utopian community known sponsored by a mysterious organization known as The Victory Project. Every morning the men drive across the desert to work while the wives do chores, shop and generally cater to their men in what appears to be an equitable partnership. The Victory Project is headed by the mysterious (and slightly sinister) Frank (Chris Pine), who uses his svengali-like influence to command absolute loyalty from his extended “family.” When one of the wives has a breakdown and supposedly kills herself in front of Alice, the latter begins to investigate the truth about The Victory Project and in doing so uncovers a nasty truth that threatens not only her sanity but her very life as well.
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