Dog’s Movie House: “Barbarian” a wild, entertainly creepy horror flick!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with a look at one of the most original horror films to come down the pike in recent memory! It’s called “Barbarian” and it stars Gerogina Campbell as Tess, a young woman who comes to an Airbnb in Detroit for a job interview only to find that a booking mistake as led to her involunatarily sharing the house with a young man named Keith (Bill Skarsgard, Pennywise himself). The two agree to share the home until they get things worked out and even become friendly. But the strange noises in the night and the discovery of a warren of underground passages underneath the house lead the two to make several discoveries, all of which lead to a series of horrifying and bonkers events you have to see to believe!
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