Dog’s Movie House: “65” A Good Old Fashioned Creature Feature!

That’s the whole plot of the film and that turns out to be a good thing as writer/directors Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (writers of the excellent film “A Quiet Place”) have crafted a sleek 90 minute film that functions as a crowd pleasing “B” movie with some very good special effects. The film is essentially a two person play, with Driver and Greenblatt doing most of the heavy lifting. There are brief supporting roles for the actors playing Mills’ wife and daughter, but after the introduction it’s just Mills and Koa. Driver, no stranger to science fiction, gives a performance as the tortured Mills that elevates the film. It’s also a very physical role and Driver proves more than up to the task. He is matched by Greenblatt as the confused and frightened Koa. It’s a testament to the two actors that they are able to form a believable bond without sacraficing the pace of the film.

The Original Dino Classic – Jurassic Park (1993)

As for the dinosaurs, the ones featured are all vicious carnivores, with the exception of a juvenille herbevore that is immediately beset by hungry velociraptors, and the creature designers are able to differentiate between the species with little problems. There are Pterosaurs, T-Rexes, raptors galore, some really nasty lizards and one big-ass reptile at the end that puts the T-Rex to shame. The action is swift and actually creates some pretty effective jump-scares that had this reviewer popping out of his a few time. The race against time against the planet-killing astroid also adds another unique layer of suspense to the proceedings and the filmmakers do a great job of creating a sense of danger and otherworldliness to make “65” a unique creature feature. Overall, “65” is a fun, fast-paced creature feature that tells its story effectively and efficiently and is a film best experienced on the big screen. 4 Out Of 5 On Kendog’s Barkometer! So Sayeth The Kendog!

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