The Dogcast: It’s Old Radio Time Again, This Time With Phil Harris And Alice Faye!

Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more old radio fun! This time I’m featuring a couple of classic programs from The Phil Harris/Alice Faye show from October of 1948! Phil Harris was best known in those days as Jack Benny’s boozing band leader and he became so popular that he was gifted his own show in 1946! He starred with his wife, famous Hollywood actress Alice Faye and the show was a fictionalized version of their lives. Like Jack Benny, Phil Harris surrounded himself with some top tier acting talent with the standouts being Elliot Lewis as best friend Frankie Remly and Walter Tetley as the sarcastic grocery boy Julius. Listen for Gale Gordon in a couple of supporting roles as well. The Phil Harris/Alice Faye show doesn’t quite reach the heights of the Jack Benny program, but’s it’s still damn good! Enjoy! So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: Some Jack Benney Holiday Shows For Your Old Radio Pleasure!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here and since the holidays are upon us I though it would be fun to feature some holiday-themed Jack Benny shows for your Old Radio listening pleasure! Jack and the gang are my favorite radio performers and these two episodes don’t disappoint. Enjoy the holiday shows and I hope you have a great holiday season! So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: The Shadow Knows! Some Lamont Cranston and Margo Lane for your Old Radio Pleasure!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with another Old Radio edition of The Dogcast. In honor of “The Marvels” releasing today, I have for your listening pleasure three episodes of the classic old radio series “The Shadow.” These episodes are from the premier season in 1937 featuring none other than the legendary Orson Welles as the voice of the Shadow, the man who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men. Delightfully campy with a solid score and some spooky stories, “The Shadow” is as close to an Old Radio superhero as you’re going to get! So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: Some “X-Minus One” For Your Old Radio Listening Pleasure!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some more Old Radio fun. “X-Minus One” was a 1950s science fiction radio show that featured some of the finest stories in radio. Author such as Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison, and Isaac Asimov found their classic stories adapted to radio with thrilling results. “X-Minus One” is also great fun to hear because of it’s somewhat outdated concepts of how the future would look. “X-Minus One” has a polished sheen to it that makes it a fun listen on a Saturday afternoon. Enjoy these two stories and stay tuned for more on the way! So Sayeth The Kendog!
The Dogcast: Some “Nero Wolfe” Old Radio Fun In Honor Of Hercule Poirot!
Howdy Folks! It’s The Kendog here with some old radio fun! In honor of the release of “A Haunting In Venice” I’ve decided to include a few old radio programs featuring that famous armchair detective Nero Wolfe! “Nero Wolfe” ran for only 26 episodes in the early 1950s and that always puzzled me because it was a great program with the legendary Sydney Greenstreet as Nero Wolfe and a various collection of actors as his trusty sidekick Archie Goodwin. The banter between Nero Wolfe and Goodwin is worth the price of admission alone but the mysteries are also quite good. ‘The Adventures Of Nero Wolfe” (as the series was properly called) is one of the great gems of detective old radio and I hope you enjoy these two programs as much as I do! So Sayeth The Kendog!